Hello20 for researchers

With English subtitles

What is Hello20?

In the animation on the left we tell you more about Hello20. What is the research goal of Hello20 and why is it important to examine this? We also tell you more about how we will follow deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families over a period of 20 years.

The Hello20 study is a longitudinal study that follows the development of Dutch deaf and hard-of-hearing children from birth to 20 years of age

The study is designed to examine different developmental domains over time and to identify predictors of these domains in deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families. Caregivers are asked to fill in questionnaires. We also visit the families at home to make video recordings of parent-child interactions and to perform tasks together with the children. We collect information about the children’s auditory, language, social-emotional, and cognitive skills, and about parenting. The outcomes of the Hello20 study will contribute to the optimalization of Family-Centered Early Intervention Programs. 

"We are always happy to provide more information on Hello20. Feel free to contact us with any questions by e-mailing info@hello20.nl"

Sanne Peet
Datamanager/researcher Hello20

In the Netherlands most deaf and hard-of-hearing children are enrolled in Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI)

This happens within the first six months of their lifes. In the Hello20 study, all Dutch FCEI centers collaborate and help recruit children and their families. Deaf and hard-of-hearing children are recruited during their first year of life to ensure that we can visit them at home before their first birthday. Deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families are diverse in terms of hearing loss-related factors, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and the occurrence of additional disabilities. In the Hello20 study, we will include all deaf and hard-of-hearing children to achieve a more comprehensive picture of this population of children. 

Research team of Hello20

Rosanne van der Zee principal investigator – NSDSK

Loes Wauters principal investigator – Kentalis

Evelien Dirks principal investigator – NSDSK

Sanne Peet data manager/researcher – NSDSK

Lynn Rood data manager/researcher – Kentalis

Rosanne Abrahamse researcher – Auris

Merel Maslowski researcher – Kentalis

Lizet Ketelaar researcher – NSDSK


The Hello20 research team collaborates together with professionals from all Dutch Family-Centered Early Intervention Centers (Adelante , Koninklijke Auris Groep, Koninklijke Kentalis, Libra, Pento, NSDSK).

For questions or more information in English please e-mail us at info@hello20.nl.